Membership Application Form

Membership Application

Added: 2/6/2025


The Bible calls each of us to be an active participant in our local church and to grow in our relationship with God. Membership is a defining moment for each of us as we formally “step out of the stands” and publicly affirm our commitment to Christ and to a local church. By applying for membership at Centre Street Church, you are committing yourself to grow in your relationship with Christ as part of the community of Christ-followers at Centre Street Church. You are saying that you agree with the vision, mission, values and direction of this church and you will give of yourself and your resources to help accomplish that to which God has called us.

These are the specific statements that all members agree with as set out in the Membership Covenant. As a participating member, you are committing yourself to:

  • Protect the unity of my church.
  • Share the responsibility of my church.
  • Serve the ministry of my church.
  • Support the testimony of my church.
  • Seek to be a fully devoted follower of Christ.

Membership Requirements and Process

To become a member of CSC, you must first have made a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord and been baptized as an expression of that commitment.

The steps to becoming a member are as follows:

  1. Participate in the Discover Your Church membership class.
  2. Complete this Membership Application form (be sure to sign the Membership Covenant and Membership Statement pages).
  3. Submit the completed application form.

Once you have completed these steps, a CSC pastor will contact you to discuss your interest in membership before submitting your application form to the Board of Governors for final approval. Names of new members will be included on the membership role and they will receive a membership certificate in the mail.

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