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State of the Church
Easter Message
Romans 14:1-12 As Christ followers, it is critical we are unified in the 'essentials' of our fai...
The Apostle Paul challenges us to 'wake up from our slumber' and to give our lives to the two thi...
What is our responsibility as Christians to those who are in authority over us, including our gov...
Paul teaches us how to love those who seem to have it out for us, those who hurt us and feel like...
The Apostle Paul teaches what it means to glorify God in our relationships. Every time we love so...
God's fundamental will for us is that we would love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and str...
Most of us have never known a time in our lives when our world has become so unmoored from everyt...
When we surrender control of our lives to Jesus, He starts the process of transforming us – helpi...