We all have a sin problem, so God sent Jesus because we can't fix it without Him. This Resurrecti...
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This sermon continues the “By Design” Series on the topic of Desire. God has given us physical de...
Vision Weekend 2019 is a time that Centre Street Church celebrates what God is doing in and throu...
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An authentic Christian not only seeks to "LIVE AS JESUS LIVED" but also to "LOVE AS JESUS LOVES"....
When Jesus called His Church, in Matthew 28, to "go and make disciples", He also revealed that th...
Are there times you wonder if you are a true Christian? Do you wonder if you have eternal life? I...
Do you often struggle with a certain sin? Does your struggle make you wonder whether your faith i...
Ever since our first parents, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God in the garden and then tried to cover u...
This sermon begins a study in I John. The key reason the apostle wrote this letter is found in c...
We live in an age of rage. It is seen it everywhere - in our homes, our schools, our places of wo...
It's relatively easy celebrating God's goodness when our health is excellent, our income is flour...