Why is it necessary to be part of a church? Is the organized church needed at all? Do...
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Knowing that He would soon be departing, Jesus gave special attention to growing His disciples' f...
In our series in the gospel of Matthew we come to a turning point in Jesus' ministry where the pe...
In the parable of the bags of gold, Jesus draws our attention to an important truth which is espe...
In Matthew 20: 1-16 there is a story which seeks to help us understand God's grace through Jesus ...
The parable of the net in Matthew 13 speaks about the end of the age, when Jesus comes again and ...
Have you ever found yourself whispering or perhaps even shouting "Lord, if your kingdom is h...
The Bible teaches that it is possible for Christ-followers to be sure they are going to heaven wh...
John the Baptist, was in prison. He knew who Jesus was but he was experiencing significant doubt ...
Discipleship is costly. The disciples were beginning their journey with Jesus and He wanted them ...
You may have caught yourself asking the question, "Is this it? Is this all there is?" What you h...